The Secret to Raising Selfless Kids

< 1 min read


I’d like to share an important message with you today from the President of Family Matters, Tim Kimmel. Tim shares insight into what it will take to raise a selfless child. If you’d like, you can also follow Tim on Twitter.

Raising kids who grow up to make a difference is not going to be done by accident. You have got to be deliberate about this.

I applaud you for wanting to see kids that have more going for them than what’s in it for them. But, the fact is that we live in a culture that worships the individual, worships self, worships all the stuff that we can have, and we celebrate the people that glitter and shine in the media.

But the fact is that the stuff of the heart, the deeper stuff of the heart, is what you want to build into your kids.

For more on raising selfless kids from Dr. Kimmel, check out his video below:

How Do I Raise My Kids to Be Selfless?


What are some of the ways you’ve found helpful in raising selfless kids? Please share your thoughts with me below.



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