Lessons That Lovebirds Teach Us

< 1 min read

For many years we had a big cage filled with love birds right outside our kitchen window.  As I peered out the window every morning and studied their habits, I noticed three things that we all can apply to loving our spouses better.

1.   I noticed that once the males and females paired off, they were faithful to their mate.  While all of us have challenges in our marriages, we need to persevere no matter what.  The “D” word should never even be mentioned—even in the heat of an argument.  Marriage is for life.

2.   I found that they sit side-by-side for long periods of time and are very attentive and affectionate to one another. The cares of daily living and technological advances can keep us from spending time with our spouses.  We must ensure that we are purposeful about scheduling time together.  Having a weekly or bi-weekly date night is a good place to start.

3.   I also saw them spending time and having fun flying around with other “like-minded” couples. It’s important to identify and get together with other couples who share the same values and have strong marriages.  Mutual encouragement can make a marriage stronger, and help you through the rough spots in your marriage.

I hope these life lessons from love birds will help you to better love your mate.



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