Over the years I’ve found that we can be so busy helping others—our clients and constituents, volunteering at church or in the community—that we forget about our own families. It’s so easy to do, especially when we don’t get those accolades, awards, and applause from our spouse and kids. Think about it, have you ever arrived home to a standing ovation from your kids after a hard day of work? Have you received a plaque from your spouse for cooking a good meal?
As a result, we are sometimes drawn to and find more immediate gratification in spending our time and energy outside of the home. We have to remember however, that everything—big or small—that we say “Yes.” to outside of the home, robs those in our home of our time and attention. Even outside things like a “quick” meeting or phone call that I say will “only take 5 minutes,” are time bandits that steal precious time from my wife and kids.
So to guard against those outside intruders that steal your time, is it time for you to say “no” to more outside things? Say, “No.” to that dinner meeting. Say, “No.” to joining that committee. Say, “No” to that golf outing.
The health of your relationship with your spouse and kids might just depend on you locking those time bandits out of your life.