“School is so boring.”
“I don’t feel like doing anything.”
“I don’t want to go, I’d rather play Xbox.”
“I just don’t care.”
“It’s too hard. I’m quitting.”
I’ve heard some of those things from my kids over the years. Have you? Words like these indicate a lack of motivation. So, what should you do? Well, author Joe White provided me some invaluable insight in putting together this list.
Here are the first 3 ways for how to motivate children.
1. Have realistic expectations of your child.
Not every child will make straight A’s or start on their sports team. Not every child will go to college and get their MBA. “Type A” driven moms, and dads like me, need to be really careful not to impose their personalities on their children and expect they will be just like us. Also, we should not try to make our dreams, their dreams.
2. Be a model of motivation.
Your personal example is key to motivating your child. If you are glued to the tube, you can’t expect your child to want to go out in the back yard and play sports. If you constantly complain about work, what message is that sending to your child? Your child needs to see you loving your work, exercising, and celebrating goals achieved. 5 Ways Parents Can Be a Role Model for Kids will help you to be the best model you can be for your kids.
3. Make sure your child breaks a mental and physical “sweat.”
Your child may think, “Why do chores when the housekeeper will do them?” Or, “No need to mow the lawn. We’ve got a lawn guy to do it.” Or, “Why should I write the paper when Mom will do it for me?” 5 Reasons Your Child Should Work explains the importance of work. A well-developed and motivated child needs to do some physical labor around the house. He also needs to learn how to think on his own.
Along with laziness, here are 4 more bad kid behavior issues to break in your kids early.
Next week I’ll discuss the 4 remaining ways to motivate your unmotivated child. Do you have some ways on how to motivate children? Please share your comments.