#048: 5 Ways to Be Your Daughter’s Hero (Podcast)

2 min read

to be a hero

When my daughters were young, it was easy to be their hero. All I had to do was carry them around the house on my shoulders, read them their favorite story, or play with them in the yard. But as my daughters have grown up, I’ve found that my relationships with them aren’t so simple. Between school and friends and boys, things have become way more complicated. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to get back on track in my relationships with my daughters. So join me on today’s show as we share 5 ways to be a hero to your daughter.

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Discussion Recap

Here are 5 ways to be your daughter’s hero: 

1.  Tell her she is beautiful
2.  Show an interest in her life
3.  Walk in integrity
4.  Treat her mom well
5.  Love her unconditionally  

Episode Resources

5 Things Every Daughter Needs to Hear from Her Dad

How to Help Your Daughter Believe She’s Beautiful

The Best Conversation Starters for Teenagers

4 Reasons Why You Should Dance with Your Daughter

4 C’s for Communicating with Your Teen

7 Love Actions for Spouses (Podcast)

10 Perfect Daddy-Daughter Date Ideas

Additional Resource

7 Things a Daughter Needs From Her Father

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