#051: 5 Parenting Speed Bumps (Podcast)

2 min read

speed bumps in parenting

We all hate speed bumps. So often we’re flying through life at incredible speeds—attempting to balance a million things at a million miles per hour. But then life hits us with a natural speed bump. This speed bump usually comes out of nowhere, sneaking up on us to tell us we need to slow down. And while these natural speed bumps can be tough, they are a perfect opportunity for us to evaluate and appreciate our relationships with our kids. On today’s show, I’ll be focusing on natural speed bumps in parenting.

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Discussion Recap 

Some of the main speed bumps you may face while parenting include:

  • Your child going through puberty
  • Your child beginning to date
  • Your child beginning to drive
  • Your child becoming ill
  • Your child facing academic transitions

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