What are your child’s gifts or strengths? If you really want to find out, you have to be a student of your child. When you were a student in school, what did you do? You paid attention to your teacher, you listened to them, you took notes so that when you were tested, you understood what they wanted from you. It’s the same way with your child. To understand them, you’ve got to be their student. As a student of your child, watch, listen to and take mental notes of your child to determine their gifts.
As our children were growing up, Susan and I observed them. We noticed, at an early age, that our oldest daughter Megan had the uncanny ability to “read” and “size up” people very quickly. She is very good in relationships. We told her what we saw as her strengths and now, at the age of 21, she is interested in pursuing a human resources job when she graduates from college. Emily is our creative one. Acting, singing, painting and creative writing are all in her sweet spot. We affirmed it in her. Now she’s a musical theatre major in college. Our other kids have special gifts that we validate in them as well.
Have you studied your child? Do they know their gifts? Have you validated those gifts in them?