Why You Should Fight Your Most Important Battle on Your Knees

2 min read


Every day, life is a battle. We have to constantly fight for humility over pride, for patience over anger, and for love over selfishness. But the most important battle you and I will face? The battle for our families. We must fight for their well-being, their safety, and their ultimate good.

But we can all use what I believe is the ultimate weapon to fight for our families: prayer. Praying is the best way to guide our families well. Here are 3 reasons you should fight your most important battle on your knees.

1. Prayer is powerful.

I love to be in control. (Or I, at least, love to think I’m in control!) In an ideal world, I would take control over my wife’s health, my kids’ safety, and my success at work. But the truth is that control is an illusion. And the sooner I come to realize that I can’t control anything, the sooner I’ll come to find prayer to be powerful. Prayer has the power to change hearts, change minds, and change lives. And when we choose to trust God with our trials, we can be sure he won’t let us down.

2. Prayer is purposeful.

My days can be crazy. My wife, my work, my kids, my grandkids, and my schedule keep me constantly moving in a whirlwind. And in that whirlwind, it’s easy for me to forget my purpose. It’s easy for me to forget that life is not all about me. That’s why I pray. Because prayer gives us purpose. Prayer is a constant reminder that our lives should be about serving God, not serving ourselves.

3. Prayer is peaceful.

Life can be hard—there’s no doubt about it. We argue with our spouses, we lose jobs, we watch our kids develop illnesses, we fall into debt… And there are a million other tragedies. But in the midst of all our difficulties, there’s one thing that always promises to bring us peace: prayer. Prayer may not offer an immediate solution or give us the answer we’re looking for. But prayer offers us peace and comfort from a loving God who wants the best for us.

What do you pray for most? Share in a comment.



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