One of the things I love the most about working here at Family First is the opportunity to impact thousands of families around the country with our monthly dads & kids and moms & kids school breakfasts called All Pro Dad’s Days and iMOM Mornings. We’re in about 1,200 schools nationwide, and each month parents and kids come together to laugh, learn, and grow closer to each other. Here are a few pictures:

And here’s what a few folks had to say about All Pro Dad’s Day and iMOM Morning:
“The moms at my school are LOVING this…thank you!” – Susan, Park Village Elementary
“I have co-hosted an All Pro Dad chapter for two years and they have been two of the most empowering as a father. This program has brought me closer to my boys and has helped many married and divorced fathers strengthen their relationships as well.” – Jason, Imagine Schools at Vero Beach
“All Pro Dad is a wonderful program that has allowed me and my daughter to connect in a very meaningful way. Each month we put into practice the topics covered, giving us the opportunity to talk about many other things we might not otherwise.” – James, Rocky River Elementary
“iMOM Mornings have been instrumental in helping ramp up the communication between my daughters and I. It has helped us meet other women and their children and we enjoy that camaraderie.” –Shannon, Trinity Lutheran School
“My name is Paul Sobkowiak. I live in Colden NY, and I have a 5 year old son. He will be in kindergarten next year. My wife & I are eagerly awaiting him attending this school; we hear many good things about it. I have been hemming & hawing and wondering if I should ask the principal if I could start an All Pro Dad’s Day breakfast chapter. So after this savage massacre in Newtown, I have decided someone should start one and it might as well be me. I believe God equips the ones He calls, instead of looking for the equipped. I am not fond of public speaking, but I think sons & daughters need Dads in their lives more than my dislike of speaking in public. My wife and I waited 12 years for our son, and God gave us an incredible child through the miracle of adoption. I love my son with every fiber of my being & the most important thing for him is to know that I do!” -Paul Sobkowiak
If you are not already involved, please consider being a part of these monthly breakfasts. We’d love to have you. Please visit our website to find an All Pro Dad’s Day or an iMOM Morning chapter near you, or learn how to start one at your child’s school as part of our New Year’s Resolution Campaign. By starting a new chapter, you’ll receive a free t-shirt and be entered to win an h.h.gregg gift card for your school.
If you’re already attending one of our school breakfast chapters, I’d love to hear how it encourages you. Please share with me below.