5 Small Changes to Become More Present

During his pro baseball career, New York Yankees legend Derek Jeter was often seen doing an inclusive pregame ritual. Before the first pitch, he’d walk the length of the dugout giving fist bumps to everyone in sight—players, coaches, even the ball boys. He once said, “Leadership is more about what you do than what you […]
7 Secrets Every Spouse Should Keep

According to Divorce.com, 60% of people say they have kept at least one secret from their spouse, and a Bankrate survey of 1,000 married people found that about two in five believe their partner is keeping something from them. Those numbers are problematic because spouses should not be keeping secrets in marriage. Another staggering study […]
4 Backhanded Compliments You Unknowingly May Be Giving Your Spouse

One of the fastest-growing “sports” in the world is called slap fighting. If you’ve never heard of it, you can probably guess from the name what takes place. Two “strikers” stand across from each other and take turns slapping each other as hard as they can with an open hand. Whoever lasts the longest without […]
5 Subtle Reasons Gen Z Workers Are Struggling

Do you feel like you’re thriving at work? For a lot of young people, the answer is a resounding no. Only 31% of global workers under 35 described themselves as “thriving” in 2023, according to a report from Gallup. This catches my attention. Some of my coworkers at All Pro Dad and iMOM are young […]
5 Moves Efficient Leaders Master

Good leaders are caring, generous, and understanding. The best leaders are all those things, but they’re also extremely efficient. Efficient leaders get things done. They waste less time, money, and manpower, and they typically see production more quickly. To be the best leaders we can be, we need to up our efficiency, learning how to […]
5 Changes That Make Marriages More Selfless

When I first married Susan, we were different in many ways. I liked many of those things about her, but I also thought only I did things the right way, the way they should be done. I assumed our relationship would be easier if I could get her to be more like me. When she […]
5 Body Parts to Keep in Shape for Your Spouse

If you want to live longer, get off the couch. I’m no fitness expert, but I think this is pretty sound advice. It’s obvious that exercise is good for us, yet only 28% of Americans do the recommended 150 minutes per week of physical activity. The National Institutes of Health concluded you can extend your […]
7 Rights People You Lead Should Have

On June 4, 1919, the United States Congress passed the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. It was ratified on August 18, 1920, guaranteeing women the right to vote, marking a monumental shift in American life after years of protest and debate. Women deserved to use their voices, and this legislation made it possible. Women should […]
5 Surprising Motivational Techniques

One of the most motivational people I have ever known is Truett Cathy. In 1946, he started his chicken sandwich empire by selling his car in order to scrape together enough money to open a restaurant. He eventually became the founder of Chick-fil-A. Despite massive success, he made it a point to always look people […]