3 Ways to Become More Feeler Than Fixer in Marriage

I remember June 1, 2011 like it was yesterday. I got a terrible phone call from the Tampa Fire Department. Our under-construction roof had caved in during heavy summer rains. When I arrived, I found chunks of plaster all over the ground and ruined furniture everywhere. I was shocked. If I could have grabbed a […]
4 Actions That Produce Lasting Relationships

I have been blessed to work alongside some great people. One of them is Tony Dungy. We first met in the mid-1990s when he was coaching the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. We bonded over our mutual love of family and desire to see dads involved in their kids’ lives. In fostering a friendship with one another, […]
6 Red Flags That Should Catch Every Leader’s Ear

Harry Markopolos saw the red flags, but nobody wanted to listen. He spent years investigating Bernie Madoff’s financial successes and uncovered a lot of fraud. He went to the authorities multiple times to alert them to Madoff’s suspicious activity. Finally, only after his kids came forward, Madoff admitted to turning his wealth management business into […]
3 Moves That Build an Inspiring Marriage

In 2015, my alma mater, the University of Florida, conducted a study about human interaction. The study found that people who encountered rude behavior at work were often quick to respond rudely back. That’s because many behaviors are contagious. Knowing this, what if we committed to modeling positive behaviors in our relationships instead of negative […]
7 Reasons We Choose Not to Listen

A friend of mine knows a lot about people who don’t listen—sometimes, his 4-year-old daughter is one of them. She loves one particular skirt, and, one day, she wanted to wear it for a second day in a row, despite being told not to since it was very dirty. My friend told his toddler to […]
3 Signs It’s Time to Throw in the Towel

On a family vacation to a tropical location, one of my colleagues and his siblings decided to kayak out to a sandbar. It quickly became apparent that the surf was stronger than they thought. The group had a decision to make—strain against the pounding waves to make it to the sandbar, or give up, head […]
5 Unexpected Ways to Become a Warrior

This post, written by Bobby Cooley, originally appeared on All Pro Dad and was used with permission. My father and I did not get along very well growing up. For whatever reason, we just butted heads on everything we would discuss. One thing we did connect over was going to the movies. We would watch […]
3 Practical Ways to Protect Your Wife

I have been married for over 34 years. Susan and I have spent years working on our relationship and learning the things we love about each other. We pray, travel, and dream together. We don’t see eye to eye on everything, but one thing Susan will never have to wonder is if I have her […]
3 Ways We Let Others Kill Our Courage

In 2006, actor Will Smith starred in The Pursuit of Happyness. The movie is based on the life of Chris Gardner, a man who struggled to find success while being homeless for a year. In one scene, Chris and his young son shoot hoops on the roof of a downtown building. As the boy dribbles […]