A Shark, a Surfer and a Story of Survival

2 min read


From the time we are old enough to speak in sentences, everyone asks us the one pivotal question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  Bethany Hamilton’s answer came quickly and definitively.  She wanted to be a professional surfer.  That was her dream.  So she set about doing what she could to make her dreams come true.  She trained.  She competed.  She won.  It looked like her dreams were becoming reality.

Then the nightmare began.  Out for an early morning surf, Bethany was attacked by a 14-foot tiger shark.  The leviathan took her left arm and swam away, leaving Bethany bloodied and broken, but still on her board.  This is where the dream ended, right? Wrong.  The shark took her arm but did not take her spirit.  During her recovery, Bethany knew what she had to do.  She was determined to not only live, but to thrive and to use her life to impact others.

What about you?  What did you want to be when you grew up?  What dreams did you have?  What dreams do you have? You may not have had Bethany’s unique experience, but you’ve had “sharks” circling trying to steal your dreams too.  The sudden loss of a job, a struggling marriage, financial setbacks, a wayward child…all these have the potential to pull you under, drowning your dreams.  But don’t let them. Here are three things that Bethany did to realize her dreams.  You can do them, too.

Don’t float in pain.

Before you can do anything about your circumstances, you have to be able to move past your hurt and bitterness. Whether your pain is the result of physical wounds like Bethany’s or you are dealing with emotional wounds. Sometimes this is the most difficult step because it’s easy to let the pain wash over and immobilize you instead of dealing with it.  As long as you float in your pain, you’ll never be able to move forward.

Get to the beach.

Just focus on what’s straight ahead, reach one goal at a time in your marriage, with your children, with your finances.  Don’t get distracted by the things around you that would pull you under.  Point your eyes forward and make your way, one stroke at a time until you reach the shore.

Get back up on your board and surf again.

If your dream is to be a surfer, you have to get back in the water and up on a board.  If you dream of being a better spouse or parent, you have to dive into your relationship and do what it takes to make that happen.  Be willing to do the work.  Be willing to take the risks.  You can expect to struggle, but be persistent.  Pursue your dreams.

Bethany Hamilton’s amazing story has been made into a feature film, Soul Surfer, which opens in theaters this Friday, April 8, 2011.  Here’s a sneak peak of Bethany’s journey back to the water.




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