On today’s podcast, Susan and I are going to be talking about a topic that affects each and every one of us.
Many couples we’ve talked to through the years, especially newlyweds, assume that arguing in marriage is bad, counterproductive, and to be avoided at all costs. In reality, conflict is unavoidable, and how a couple fights during their arguments is actually more important than if a couple fights. We want to discuss some “sucker punches” you must stop throwing when fighting with your spouse. And, don’t hit below the belt.
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Discussion Recap
7 Things to Avoid When Fighting with Your Spouse
- You compare your spouse to others in a negative light.
- You assassinate their character.
- You bring up the past even when it was supposedly resolved or forgiven.
- You bring the kids into it against your spouse.
- You don’t allow your spouse to disagree or get a word in.
- You shut down completely at the first sign of conflict.
- You initiate conflict at times or in places where it can’t really be dealt with.
Episode Resources
7 Sucker Punches to Stop Throwing When Fighting with Your Spouse
5 Toxins of the Tongue That Can Poison Your Marriage
Forgiveness: It’s Not What You Think
5 Things You Should Never Say to Your Spouse
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