Over the years, Susan and I have learned that all 5 of our children, now all in their 20s, all need one thing and that’s encouragement. We have good intentions and try to help; and, as parents, we may think we’re encouraging our children, but it can actually feel like criticism to them. Sometimes their every desire is to please us and we, in turn, crush their spirit. Susan and I both have made these mistakes so we want to share those with you.
As you try to help your kids be their best, be sure you’re not actually implementing one of these 4 ways of discouraging your kids.
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Discussion Recap
4 Ways Parents Discourage Their Kids
- You offer too much help.
- Parents compare their kids to other kids.
- You always expect more.
- You lose it.
Episode Resources
5 Ways Moms Discourage Their Kids
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