#90: How You and Your Kids Can Serve Others (Podcast)

2 min read

operation christmas child

Martin Luther King Jr. told us what greatness is all about when he said, “Everyone can be great because everyone can serve.” One of our jobs as parents is to talk to our kids about the significance of serving others and show them how to do it. Today, we’re going to talk about some places you and your kids can serve others…in your home, your neighborhood, your community, your country, your world.

One specific way families across our country are serving others is through Operation Christmas Child. I realize it’s not Christmas yet, but this organization is working year round to help others. Operation Christmas Child has delivered more than 124 million shoeboxes to 150 different countries around the globe. But as impressive as their numbers are, they’re nothing compared to the stories behind the statistics. That’s why today I’m so excited to talk with OCC National Spokesman Alex Nsengimana about the heart behind Operation Christmas Child.

As a child, Alex received a shoebox from Operation Christmas Childforever changing his life. Today, he works full-time with Operation Christmas Child, sharing his story of hope.

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Discussion Recap

Top 5 Places You and Your Family Can Serve Together

  1. In Your Home
  2. In Your Neighborhood
  3. In Your Community
  4. In Your Country
  5. In Your World

Episode Resources

Samaritan’s Purse

5 Places You and Your Kids Can Serve Others

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