#067: How to Lead Your Family Well with New Orleans Saints Tight End Benjamin Watson (Podcast)

2 min read

how to lead

Being a dad is our most important job and, when something is our job, we need to understand our mission. So what is our mission as fathers? To love and lead our families well.

On today’s podcast episode, New Orleans Saints tight end Benjamin Watson shares the 3 keys to family leadership: love, trust, and courage. Benjamin talks about how dishonesty is the number one thing that can ruin intimacy. A breach of intimacy also shows that there is a lack of trust with your spouse. Your wife needs you to be vulnerable and to let your guard down and so do your kids. So what else do they need from you? Listen in for more on How to Lead Your Family Well with New Orleans Saints Tight End Benjamin Watson.

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Discussion Recap 

The 3 Keys of Family Leadership: 

  • Love
  • Trust
  • Courage

Episode Resources 

Like Benjamin on Facebook

Follow Benjamin on Twitter

Check out Benjamin’s website

Check out Benjamin’s foundation

3 Keys to Family Leadership

How to Rebuild Trust in a Relationship

Unlocking the Door to Intimacy in Marriage

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