It’s easy to look at my wife, Susan, and tell her what she needs to do more or less of in our marriage, what to do with the kids, or what to do around the house. Sound familiar? But today, instead of looking at our spouses, let’s look at ourselves and ask, “What can I do to make an awesome marriage?” How can I be a better husband/wife?”
Listen as my wife Susan and I discuss 3 A’s for an awesome marriage and how to be a better spouse.
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3 A’s for an Awesome Marriage
1. Accept Your Spouse
2. Applaud Your Spouse
3. Allow Your Spouse
Episode Resources
10 Things Husbands Want to Hear from Their Wives
10 Things Wives Want to Hear from Their Husbands
4 Tips to Become a Better Spouse
How to Be an Out of Control Parent
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