#017: How to Discipline Your Child (Podcast)

2 min read

How to discipline your child

Do you and your spouse struggle to discipline your child? Have a strong-willed child who ignores your instructions? What’s the right consequence for an offense?

Well, I can tell you that you must be disciplined to discipline. You and your spouse must really work hard together to effectively discipline your kids. Listen to my wife, Susan, and I discuss how to discipline your child.

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 Principles to discipline your child:

  • Be Unified
  • Be Consistent
  • Be Firm, Not Harsh

3 R’s of Discipline:

  1. Remove: When you need to discipline, immediately remove your child from the situation.
  2. Reflect: When you and your child reflect, discuss what happened.
  3. Reconnect: Before you finish, make sure the bond between you and your child is not broken.

Episode Resources

7 Secrets to Self-Disciplined Kids

The Marshmallow Experiment

Think About It Tool

21 Creative Consequences

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