#100: 6 Things You Should Stop Doing to Your Spouse in Public (Podcast)

< 1 min read

stop doing

When I wrote about the 7 things that husbands and wives should stop doing in their relationship awhile back, some spirited comments and conversations resulted. On today’s podcast, Susan and I want to address 6 things that you should stop doing in public—things that can harm your spouse and hurt your marriage.

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Discussion Recap

Here are 6 things that you should avoid doing in public:

  1. Stop criticizing your spouse to others.
  2. Stop sharing the details of your love life.
  3. Stop treating your spouse like a child.
  4. Stop checking out people who aren’t your spouse.
  5. Stop constantly interrupting or contradicting your spouse.
  6. Stop flaunting your body to others.

Episode Resources

7 Things Husbands Should Stop Doing

7 Things Wives Should Stop Doing

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