What Can Every Parent Learn from the Boy Scout Law?

< 1 min read


Last night, I took my son, Grant, to his Boy Scout meeting.  Boy Scouts does a tremendous job at teaching our young men some incredible lessons that they’ll carry with them for life.

What if the Scout Law was followed in the board room? Business expert and author J. Robert Parkinson suggests that the same principles upon which the Boy Scouts were founded are essential to a strong foundation in any endeavor.  He said, “If business executives had followed the Scout Law, there would have been no AIG, no Enron, no Global Crossing, no Worldcom, no Fannie Mae, no Freddie Mac, no Congressional ‘earmarks.’ ”

I would also ask, what if the Scout Law was taught in every home in America?  If parents would teach these principles to our children, we’d have fewer bullies at school, fewer juveniles in jail, less cussing at sporting events, and fewer teen pregnancies.  We’d have more servant hearts, more young men of courage, more chivalry toward women, and more obedience in the home.

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.

Basic behavior sets the tone for success or failure… in business, and in life. Remember the Boy Scout Law.



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