Today on the air you heard me talk about when couples use the “D” word. “Divorce” that is. As I said today, you may have said it when you were fighting with your spouse, and it slipped out and you couldn’t get those words back. You may have really meant it once. That once turns into twice, then 3 times, and so on. Talking about divorce is detrimental to your marriage. I have seen how talking about divorce can really warp the way the couple’s children view relationships. They are left without any faith in relationships, and an attitude of “Well, if things get tough, I can always walk away.”Again, if divorce is even an option, you’re more likely to consider it. And, you’ll never feel secure in your marriage when you or your spouse are always threatening to walk away.
In today’s blog I want to hit on the subject of Sticking It Out. I understand that occasionally divorce is the only solution, but on the other hand I feel that today people are so quick to quit; some people do not even give “sticking it out” a chance. How many unhappy couples turn their marriages around? The truth is shocking! Here are some stats from a recent study: 86 percent of unhappily married people who stick it out find that, five years later, their marriages are happier, according to an analysis of the National Survey of Families and Households. Most say, they’ve become very happy indeed. In fact, nearly three-fifths of those who said their marriage was unhappy in the late ’80s and who stay married, rated this same marriage as either “very happy” or “quite happy” when interviewed again in the early 1990s.
There are wonderful benefits to staying together and not splitting up your family. I’m positive that you’ll be much happier in the end if you work through your problems and stay together. A good place to start is to take the “D” word out of your vocabulary.
Until next time,