The Olympic Games and Raising Great Children: Knowing the Outcome Before You See It

< 1 min read


Because the Olympic Games are being held in London, we are now getting the outcome of events online well before they are televised.  I still enjoy watching many of the sports, even when I already know the results.  But it’s a little surreal.

Don’t you wish, as a parent, your children could have this same type of foresight in their lives?  To know the outcome of the choices they make before they can see and experience them?  While your kids can’t foresee the future, here are 3 questions they should ask themselves before making a decision which may help them attain a better outcome.

  1. Will I be happy about this or regret this decision tomorrow?
  2. Will this decision help or hurt others?
  3. Will this decision pull me toward or push me away from my goals?


This little exercise will hopefully build up your kids’ foresight and guide them into a bright future.

What are some ways that you help your child think ahead when making decisions?



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