7 Ways to Know What’s Truly Important to You

2 min read

important to you

I have heard that if you take a look at someone’s checkbook, you will know what their priorities are.  Is it true that where your money goes, so goes your priorities?  Here are seven ways to know what’s truly important to you:

1. Where do you spend your time?

This is one of the best measuring sticks. When you have free time, do you spend it on the computer, watching TV or playing golf with the guys?  Or do you spend it playing outside with your kids or having coffee with your wife?  People should matter most.  They are the ones that will be there for you when you need them.  Choose to invest your time in the relationships with the greatest return.

2. Where is your money spent?

With big purchases, people tend to take the decision seriously.  With smaller amounts, that is where you can lose focus.   Do you spend your money on clothes, redecorating your house, big impressive toys, or entertainment?  Or do you tithe and support charities or missionaries?  There is nothing wrong with having fun, but make sure you are investing in things with lasting value.

3. Where do your thoughts stray?

When you are just sitting at your desk, waiting in line or doing nothing, what kind of thoughts come to mind?  Where your thoughts go, so goes your heart.

4. When you are gone, what legacy will you leave?

Don’t let life pass you by.  Don’t wait for tomorrow to make a difference because we are not promised one day beyond today.  Spend time on the people, places and things that matter most.  Leave a legacy of changed lives.

5. If you had one day left to live, how would you spend it?

If today were your last, how would you spend it?  Do it now!  If you are waiting for an answer in one area of your life, do not put the rest of your life on hold.  No regrets!

6. What area of your life do you neglect the most?

Find the area in your life that you neglect the most and you will find the area that you care the least about.  Make sure these areas should not be moved up the list of priorities.  Family, marriage, and other relationships should never be on the list of neglect.

7. When was the last time you were truly happy?

If you can’t remember the answer, make a change!  Remember, happiness is influenced by circumstances, joy is not.  If you have faith, you have the ability to be joyful in all circumstances.  But, if you want to have a happy, abundant life, then you may need to make some adjustments to the things that are under your control.  Check out All Pro Dad’s 10 Thoughts on Happiness, take a quick inventory, and then make any necessary adjustments.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on what you value most and how you invest your time and resources to maintain your priorities.



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