Have you ever thought about what your life centers around? Is it work? Is it your dream car? It is vacation? A dad’s free time is extremely limited. Being efficient with your free time can strengthen or destroy your family. Here are 20 tips on how to live a more family-centric life.
1. Mom and Dad have a consistent date night alone together at least once a month.
2. Dad has scheduled one-on-one time with each of his children at least once a month.
3. Entire family gathers for dinner at least 3 times a week.
4. Dad texts, e-mails or calls each of his children at least once a day.
5. A monthly family home video night.
6. A monthly family board game night.
7. Saturday chores are done with the kids helping.
8. At least once every three months, Dad brings lunch to school for his kids.
9. Dad prays with each of his children before they go to bed each night.
10. Weekly church attendance.
11. Three TV shows per week are watched by the entire family (with commercials muted).
12. Dad’s job does not keep him working a lot of late nights or weekends.
13. Entire family has at least one week of vacation time together per year.
14. Mom and Dad attend at least one marriage strengthening conference per year.
15. Family attempts camping at least once a year.
16. Dad attends or coordinates a Daddy/Daughter Dance.
17. Dad personally knows all of his children’s teachers and is involved in the PTA or attends the All Pro Dad’s Day school chapter.
18. Dad’s time with his buddies more often than not includes everyone’s kids.
19. More family activities are planned outdoors than indoors.
20. Dad honors his own parents.
Do you have a family-centered life? Add your own tip in the comments below.