#126: 7 Truths About Marriage (Podcast)

2 min read

about marriage

Susan and I recently released our new books, Lists to Love By for Busy Husbands and Lists to Love By for Busy Wives and we both felt it very necessary to have our first list in both of our books be about truths. For today’s podcast, we will share with you 7 truths about marriage that we have come to know to keep us grounded and have become particularly important when we experience rough patches in our relationship.

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Discussion Recap

7 Truths about Marriage:

  1. Marriage is not a quick sprint; it’s a lifelong marathon.
  2. Marriage is not a 50/50 partnership; it’s a 100%-100%, give-it-all-you’ve-got-relationship.
  3. Marriage is not always a stroll in the park; it’s hard work.
  4. Marriage is not just about two people; it’s about two people becoming one flesh.
  5. Marriage is not just “for better;” it’s also “for worse.”
  6. Marriage is not just about happiness; it’s about holiness.
  7. Marriage is not about getting from your spouse; it’s about giving to your spouse.

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