#120: 5 Manners You Must Teach Your Children (Podcast)

2 min read

teaching children manners

One of the hallmarks of this year’s presidential campaign has been plain rudeness on both sides, from the primaries to the conventions. We also see that lack of basic courtesies and manners on television, online, social media, and in life. Manners really have taken a back seat.

Thankfully, as a parent, you are in the driver’s seat. Much of what children learn is caught rather than taught, so we parents still have a great opportunity to influence the next generation toward civility and graciousness. But that will only happen as we walk the walk and talk the talk in our own homes. By teaching children manners and applying these five traits, you will SPARK a manners revolution in your own home.

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Discussion Recap

SPARK used as an acronym for 5 manners you must teach your children:

  1. “S” is for selfLESSness
  2. “P” is for please and thank you.
  3. “A” is for attention.
  4. “R” is for respect.
  5. “K” is for kindness.

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