#053: How to Stop, Drop and Roll in Your Marriage (Podcast)

2 min read

how to stop arguing with your spouse

All couples fight.  Most of the time, these fights we have with our spouses are like little fires—they come out of nowhere and overwhelm us with flames.  And just like a real fire, the fires in our marriages require us to do three things: stop, drop and roll.

On today’s show, my wife, Susan, and I will be sharing how to stop arguing with your spouse using the stop, drop and roll technique before the flames grow out of control.

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Discussion Recap 

When you and your spouse are facing a fiery fight in your marriage:

  • Stop: Stop a healthy debate from escalating into an unhealthy argument.
  • Drop: Drop the argument before you say hurtful things you don’t mean.
  • Roll: Roll the conversation in a new direction.

Episode Resources

5 Toxins of the Tongue That Can Poison Your Marriage

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