10 Ways to Bring Joy Into Your Life

Studies show a toddler will laugh an average of 200 times a day. But, by the time he becomes an adult, he will only crack a smile 6 times daily. What will happen? Most likely, he will get steamrolled by the pressures of life. A rare few know how to find joy through faith in God, enjoying the simple things in life, and making family time a priority and not getting caught up in materialism.
10 Tips for Teaching Excellence to Your Kids

One of your most important tasks as a parent is to teach your children skills that will help them excel in life. According to Vicki Caruana’s book, Giving Your Child the Excellence Edge, parents play an integral part in determining if their children will succeed—not only in school, but in their future careers and relationships
10 Perfect Daddy-Daughter Date Ideas

All Pro Dad Director of Content, BJ Foster wrote a wonderful article about Daddy-Daughter dates. If you have a daughter, be sure to check out his ideas and try them with your daughter this week.
Your daughter is excited. She has a date with her first love. Mom helps her get ready, and she looks beautiful. There’s no insecurity because she knows her date loves her unconditionally. She has known him her whole life. He is faithful, trustworthy, and fun. There’s a knock on the door, and she takes one last look in the mirror before answering. She opens the door, sees her date, and smiles, “Hi, Daddy.” It may dawn on you: The only guy I know that I can trust with this jewel is me. Hopefully, there will be a guy you feel just as confident about at some point. But you can worry about that later because tonight it’s all about the two of you.
5 Types of Girls I Don’t Want My Son Dating

This is one of my favorite All Pro Dad articles written by BJ Foster, All Pro Dad’s Director of Content.
At the beginning of 1848, a carpenter named James Marshall was working on building a sawmill near Sacramento, California when he found gold. Although he and his employer tried to keep the discovery quiet, news started to spread. Sam Brannan, a shop owner in nearby San Francisco, looked to cash in, not by mining but by selling equipment to prospectors. He initially announced the great gold hope in the streets and then he sent publications east. Initial reports around the country were greeted by skepticism. But, in December, President Polk confirmed the abundance of gold in California. By 1849, the rush was on. The hope-filled prospectors looking to strike it rich became known as “The 49ers”. Unfortunately, some thought they struck it rich only to find out that the shiny, gold substance was only pyrite. It is otherwise known as “fool’s gold”. While gold is both soft and nearly indestructible, pyrite is brittle and breaks apart easily. Another way to tell the difference is during panning; pyrite is lighter and will easily move around the pan with the water while gold will normally stay in the same place